Free with every water management system/french drain installed.
*FREE Encapsulation of walls with 20mil. white Antimicrobial vapor barrier top to bottom of wall.
"mold can't grow"
Finished ready walls
Dry, Clean,Bright and Never paint again or finish the basement it's ready.
*FREE cleaning of walls of mold, mildew and any debris with Fosters 4080 Mold and mildew cleaner "EPA safe"
With every Water management system/French Drain Installed
ANY OTHER COMPETITOR CHARGES $4 TO $6 a Sq. Ft. to do this.
SAVE ON Energy bills, Never paint again, say goodbye to a Dehumidifier adding $20/$30 to your bill every month.
Your walls will look Great forever.
We trap the moisture and feed it into your system.
Dry,Clean,Bright and FINISHED READY